School Days Off Reminder!

As your Columbus custom home builders, we know that keeping up with days off from school can be a bit overwhelming! We are thinking about you and want to keep you up to date on some days your children may not have school.
We have compiled a list of surrounding schools and their district days off below. Check your district’s website for more information.


February 15: Presidents’ Day

February 26: Teacher Work Day

March 21 – 25: Spring Break

May 30: Memorial Day

May 31: No Seniors attend

Last day of school is June 6th!


February 12: Professional Development for Teachers

February 15: Presidents’ Day

March 25: Conference Exchange Day

March 28 – April 1: Spring Break

Last day of school is May 20th! (2 hour early dismissal for K-5)

Upper Arlington

February 15: Presidents’ Day

March 21 – 25: Spring Break

March 28: Teacher Work Day

Last day of school is May 30th!


February 12: Parent-Teacher Conference Comp Day

February 15: Presidents’ Day

March 15: Professional Development Day

March 18 – 24: Spring Break

March 25: Good Friday

May 30: Memorial Day

Last day of school is June 3rd!


February 12: Teacher Work Day

February 15: Presidents’ Day

March 21 – 25: Spring Break

Last day of school is May 26th!

As your new home builders in Columbus, Ohio, we hope you can enjoy these days off with your children. Hopefully you can spend time together and create new memories!
