Meet Designer & Author Sher Sagar at the Parade of Homes!

The BIA Parade of Homes at Verona in Powell is fast approaching! Have you made plans to come out and see our Parade home? We have events planned on several different days, and one we know you’ll be interested in is on September 8th. We’re thrilled to have one of our 7 designers, Sher Sagar, with us from 6-8pm. She’ll be signing copies of her book, PAUPERS TO PALACES: 101 Tips On Interior Design, published in February 2016, and selling her art! Wouldn’t you love to have the expertise of an Interior Designer available to you? With her book, you can have all the information you need to design the interior of your home!

Sher’s natural gift as an artist led her to study at The Colorado Institute of Art, with a focus on Interior Design. She went on to London, England and pursued advanced studies in the field of Interior Design. She received much praise and was recommended to work at Harrods. One project she worked on while there was contributing to the design of the palace for the Prince of Thailand.

After returning to the U.S. she worked at Darron’s Interiors and then decided to start her own business. She is very successful, has many clients, including The Marengo Institute Spa and The Crowne Plaza Hotel, and loves being able to express her creativity. You may have seen her on TV as the feature designer for Real Estate Showcase TV, Channel 10TV News, & Urban Trendsetter Live.

When asked why she wrote “Paupers to Palaces”, she said, “I wrote Paupers to Palaces to educate today’s consumer on what quality features to look for when making decisions for their home. With “price conscious” consumerism as the new norm, the waters have muddied on what is “quality” and what is not. Every day, I teach people how to comparison shop, and that looks can be deceiving. It is my hope that this book would be a pocket guide to go shop with when starting a decorating or remodeling project.”

Join Sher for an evening of book signing, live music with John Liaconna, support Starhouse artists, and view our spectacular Parade home. We know you’ll get inspired to make changes to your home, or talk with us, your Columbus custom home builders, about building a new home!





