5 Tips to Organize Your Family for School

And just like that, it’s back to school season again!

At this time of year, it seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day to prepare. However, as children head back to school, routine and schedules are essential for day-to-day success. Here are few quick tips to help organize your kids and family for the new school year.

  1. Create a Command Center – We’re all guilty of letting our kitchen counters get cluttered. Take preventative measures by creating a command center near the kitchen, mudroom, or entryway. Designate this space for your family to hang their backpacks and drop off homework, report cards, or other school-related documents.
  2. Clear Space for a Study Center – A study center in the office or kitchen allows your children to have a consistent place to do their homework. A little organization, with files and cubbies to hold their binders, books and more, will help them be more successful and prepared with their school work.
  3. Set a Bathroom Schedule – Morning rush hour isn’t just something that happens on the roads, but in your family bathroom in the morning too. Fix this traffic jam by designating a firm bathroom time to each child. You can get alarm clocks, radio showers, and more to help enforce the schedule.
  4. Get the Whole Gang on Board – Take it slow, and give the family time to adjust to the new changes. Encourage use of the new, tidy spaces. It may take some time, but soon everyone will come around. Good habits take time!
  5. Keep On Keeping On – Yes, you will need to continue to organize your organization. It is important to upkeep the study centers, command center, bins, and other areas of your home. Maintaining these spaces will keep it easy for the kids to utilize them, and everyone will be happy.

Now that feels better, doesn’t it? Happy organizing, and best wishes on a successful school year, especially to the students in our building communities of Upper Arlington, Dublin, Olentangy and beyond!
